Day 2: Update but lots to do!

Second day has brought some much needed "cleaning up" of the game in regards to animations and text.

I think a lot of progress has been done in 2 days and the base of the game is there and it works! Hurray! 

Big things that need to be done.
1. Create custom images for the men. I can't go forward using the pictures I currently have as they are taken from old naked playing cards and while i'm sure the original owner of the images or any legal issues won't present themselves. They are low quality, they are old fashioned but most of all they just aren't interesting or diverse enough.

I think the best long term solution will be to commission an artist to draw me some images. The original Guess Who had 24 characters with some common chrematistics and some rare ones. I think the goal should be to at least get to 24 original guess who characters.

2. Main Menu creation/loading/credits.

Pretty self explanatory. The game loads straight in and doesn't allow any options for the player. This is needed for expansion but also for customisation. Perhaps we can have sets of different body types or interesting. Maybe even expand into bisexual/straight territory.

3. Create better win/lose animations and scores! 

I think the goal will be to change it to be a rogue-lite or continuous runner so if you win and guess correctly then you immediately continue to battle for the next guy and only when you guess incorrectly do you "game over" and get your score.

4. Sounds sounds sounds.

Bit quiet in here isn't it? Game needs sounds and music! :) 

So lots to do, lots to improve but on two days work. I think it's pretty sweet.


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